North Yorkshire Council
Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee
8 June 2023
Purpose of Report To ask Members to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
1. Remit of the Committee
The remit of the Area Constituency Committees is detailed in Appendix 1 of the ACC Ways of Working report.
2. Work Programme Items
The intention is for the Committee to develop a work programme that:
· is owned by the Committee
· has items on it that are important locally but relevant at a strategic, county level
· evolves over time and is not static.
The Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Democratic Services Officer will keep the work programme up to date and determine which items need to be considered at a public committee meeting and which could be picked up elsewhere.
Alternative ways of dealing with issues that come to the Committee could include:
3. Follow up to meetings
*It was also agreed that a visit for members to Bilton Treatment Works would be arranged.
The following further work has been identified since the meeting:
4. Potential Future Work
At the ACC on the 16th March, following an update from NYC Stronger Communities, it was noted that the Community and Voluntary Sector in the Town of Harrogate faced particular challenges in the transition to new arrangements as a result of the absence of a Town Council and the need to co-design the role and function of any future Community Anchor organisation. Cllr Peter Lacey and Cllr Sam Gibbs committed to consult with other members of the ACC to set out a proposed terms of reference for this group. Having met with Cllr Pat March, Cllr Chris Aldred, Cllr Mike Schofield and with input from Liz Meade (Stronger Communities), as well as receiving expressions of interest from other Harrogate Town ACC members, the following proposal is now being made.
In January 2023 the collation of items from the former District/Borough Council O&S Work Programmes was undertaken. This would enable them to be brought to the attention of the relevant new NYC O&S Committees and/or Area Constituency Committees as appropriate for consideration. Any matters relating specifically to O&S Committees have been referred to those Committees (See below). The former Harrogate Borough Council Overview and Scrutiny Commission had agreed not to undertake larger reviews in the final year prior to reorganisation. It had previously expressed an on-going interest in some areas where perhaps in depth reviews in the work programme may be appropriate in the future. The Commission therefore maintained a “watching brief” as part of the work programme on the following and Members were provided with relevant updates:
· Local bus provision - Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee
· Sports pitches - Scrutiny of Health or Corporate and Partnerships or Transition Committee
· Use of agency workers - Corporate and Partnerships (If service specific – i.e. looking at Children’s Social workers could be an item for a specific Committee, e.g. Children and Families)
· Contract tendering/procurement - Corporate and Partnerships
· Double taxation/parish precept - Scrutiny Board or Corporate and Partnerships
The following informal session is proposed:
The Committee’s work programme is at Appendix 1.
Recommendation Members are asked to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
Democratic Services
North Yorkshire Council
Background documents: None